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Serious Play Conference Is Moving Online Due To Covid-19 Pandemic

Image credit: Serious Play Conference
Event Offers 100+ Practical Sessions On Use of Serious Games in Military, Govt, Healthcare, Business, Higher Ed, K12


ORLANDO -- April 14, 2020 - Serious Play Conference, offering more than 100 practical sessions on the creation, use and value of Serious Games and simulations, is going online on the original dates scheduled for the live event, Tuesday - Thursday, June 23-25, 2020.

With the disruption of Covid-19 making large gatherings not possible this summer, we decided this was the best way to serve the community was to move online,
said Sue Bohle, Executive Director.

Registered attendees will be able to choose topics from six different tracks or channels,
featuring the use of gamification in in government/military training, corporate or nonprofit environments, healthcare or education. Technical hosts will help them set up their link and navigate between all channels, choosing the speakers they most want to hear. The entire conference, featuring more than 100 sessions, will also be recorded.

One channel offers more than 20 sessions on game/instructional design

Go here to choose your Registration Package:

For more information, visit

Sue Bohle
(310) 721 9083

More Details On This Program
Serious Play Conference is going virtual. Register now to hear from the speakers at the leading conference on using Serious Games and simulations to improve the effectiveness of training programs and education.

If you have always wanted to attend – or come back to – Serious Play, this is your chance. Choose from 6 tracks and more than 100+ live sessions. Try your hand at designing a game during three whole days of practical sessions and hands on workshops. Increase your knowledge about evaluating, purchasing, using game-based learning. Move around the tracks. Choose from the whole program. All sessions will be recorded. Registered attendees will be able to purchase the entire set of 100+ session recordings for the discounted price of $200 (Money goes toward cost of Conference).  

Serious Play is the only conference offering sessions and workshops on every application for Serious Games and Simulations – military/govt, corporate, nonprofit, healthcare and education. One whole track is dedicated to sessions for instructional designers.

This year, we’ll make it as interactive as possible through chat Qs with speakers, private chat sessions on popular topics. Early Bird pricing has been rolled back. 

Pre-conference sessions for professionals that have been asked to run Serious Games programs and those new to Game-Based Learning will be held Monday, June 22.

Workshops for developers on obtaining federal government grants and funding and military contracts will be held Thursday and Friday, June 25-26.