Conference Venue - World EXPO Center, Dalian, China
Via: Cultural & Creative IT Industries 2012 – Cultural Creativity for a Sustainable Future
The 1st Annual World Congress for Cultural & Creative IT Industries will take place on August 28 & 29, 2012 in Dalian, China, under the theme is Cultural Creativity for a Sustainable Future.
Over the last three months, organizers have updated the program with the cooperation from experts worldwide.
Under Session 3-4: IT for Computer Games, the presentation Current State of art in Serious Games, by Dr. Aristidis Protopsaltis - a research assistant at the Serious Games Institute.
Dr. Aristidis background is in Cognitive Science, in the area of information processing theory and comprehension. He is currently involved in 3 European projects with focus on educational and training applications of Serious Games. Dr. Aristidis Protopsaltis is the caretaker of the mEducator, eVITA and MODES projects working with a number of European partners.
He holds a PhD in Cognitive Science and an MSc in Cognitive Science and Intelligence Computing from the University of Westminster, where he studied with a scholarship from the Greek Foundation of Scholarships (IKY). He also holds a BSc in Primary Education from the University of Crete.
Dr. Aristidis has also served as a visiting lecturer at the University of Westminster, and as a teaching assistant at the CITY University London as, teaching various modules in the Computer Science and Informatics departments respectively. Furthermore, he was a research assistant at the Reading University in the department of Education, working on a Becta funded project investigating teaching expertise and use of technology.
He has published a number of peer-reviewed conferences and journal papers, and has served as a program and general co-chair at ACM SIGDOC conferences. He has also served as a reviewer at ACM SIGDOC conferences and the International Journal of Learning and Media.
He research interests focus on Serious Games and Education, Human Computer Interaction, Technology and Education, Usability, and Cognition and Hypermedia. His research is focused on how we can use Serious Games and how humans comprehend electronically presented information, how they process information, what strategies they use to locate and navigate information, and how they can complement their learning by using different types of media.