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IMAGINA 2010: Serious Games Impact On Mangement

Via: IMAGINA - The 3D Community Event

IMAGINA is a major European « 3D Community Event » centered on solutions which assist in designing and reaching decisions through visualizations and simulation.

IMAGINA 2010 will be held on 3-5 February 2010, at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco.

Again this year, the think tank will be a partner of this event, organizing a round table on the impact of Serious Games on management.

IMAGINA 2010 - Round Table Organized by La F@brique du Futur

Friday, February 5th, 2010

The Revolution Of Management Through Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds find more and more applications in enterprises in order to facilitate and optimize management. Nowadays, virtual worlds are adopted by all functions: Human Resources, Marketing, Production, R&D, etc. This move is fast and irreversible.

Altogether in 2007 these virtual worlds have raised funds in excess of 1 billion $. And according to Forrester’s latest survey they shall become as important as the Internet today.

Following this round table, the ceremony of the IntraVerse Awards will take place. This Award distinguishes best managerial projects dealing with collaboration and co-creation thanks to virtual universes. This will bring additional interest to this event.

About La F@brique du Futur

La F@brique du Futur is a young association created in 2006 and whose purpose is to reconcile innovation and sustainable development. Its unique positioning is clearly evident. La F@brique du Futur is not another think tank, but rather a "think network" for sticking as closely as possible to what is happening in the field.

About Imagina 2010

The usage of 3D technologies and solutions for Visualization and Simulation are now essential in numerous industrial sectors such as Aeronautic, Automobile, Transportation, Architecture, Urbanism and Territory.

Those technologies as well as the representation models coupling Real/Virtual are under democratization as this evolution supports the growth and value added development of the European industry. The transition towards the 3D virtual representations allows us to appreciate the Products in a digital decision cycle by the involvement of the Visual, Tactile, Audition senses and from recently by their applications into immersive worlds.

Technological bridges appear between industrial sectors like Transportation and Territory or Automotive and Media Entertainment.

Those means and processes are contributing in structuring our domains, from most artistic to most industrial, from conceptual design to production via styling, engineering design, scientific calculations of 3D modeling of physical phenomenon, the digital mock-up, the virtual prototyping, validation , the simulation of complex assemblies and structures, manned or not, under various processes and the animated and virtual communication for instance in the immersive worlds of co-creation and collective co-operation.

The conference is segmented into 4 areas of interest: industry, Architecture & Urbanism, Landscape & Territory, and Media & Entertainment.


3 topics are proposed for that edition. Each theme shall be structured into two sessions: R&D / Marketing and Products/Applications:

Digital Mock-up & Simulation (Wednesday)

3D STYLING and DESIGN : Engineering and Visualization review from first styling sketches until finished product (Thursday Morning)

Virtual Prototyping (Thursday Afternoon)