U.S. Army STARS Elements Game Screenshot
Congrats to all for the superb quality of this
year’s submissions. And the winners are:
Army Game Studio is this
year’s winner in the Best Mobile Serious Game category of the Serious Games Showcase & Challenge with U.S.
Army STARS Elements – Fun with Chemistry. U.S. Army STARS Elements is also the winner of the Student’s Choice
and the People’s Choice Awards.
The USC Institute for Creative Technologies /
US Army Research Laboratory topped the Government Developed Serious Game
category with their USC Standard Patient (object
of my prior post USC-ICT Serious Games Rapidly Mature New Clinical Interviewers).
USC Standard Patient Screenshot
Virtual Heroes is this year’s winner in the Best Business Developed
Serious Game category with Post Attack Reconnaissance (PAR)
Virtual Training Module. This award is commonly the hardest fought award
for the historically largest category.
Post Attack Reconnaissance (PAR)
Virtual Training Screenshot
Bots & (Main) Frames, by
the New York University Tandon School of
Engineering, is the winner in the Best Student Developed Serious Game
Bots & (Main) Frames Screenshot
Interactive is the one of the two winners in the brand new Innovation
category with ADAPT-MP.
ADAPT-MP Concept
And lastly, the University of Central Florida is the other winner in the brand new Innovation category
with Limbitless Training Games.
Limbitless Training
Games Screenshot