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BAD 11: Serious Games On the Theme Food

Blog Action Day 2011 on October 16 will be an opportunity to open the conversation about how food impacts all of us – individually and globally

Blog Action Day 2011 site announced last week that since this year’s event  coincides with World Food Day, BAD's topic will be FOOD (please find also Serious Games Market Supports Blog Action Day 2011 FOOD ).

Whilst World Food Day  2011 theme focuses on Food Prices - From Crisis To Stability, Blog Action Day 2011 embraces a broader view.

Some topics suggestions for Blog Action Day posts are:
  • Slow Food, Fast Food: What does it actually mean
·         Malnutrition
·         Conflict over Food: Will new wars be about arable land?
·         Is your hamburger hurting the environment?
It takes 24 liters of water to produce one hamburger. That means it would take over 19.9 billion liters of water to make just one hamburger for every person in Europe.
·         Trading in the future of food. What is the impact of food speculation?
·         Will we be able to feed 9 billion people in 2050?
·         What food means to your culture

There are a number of Serious Games addressing the topic of FOOD and Serious Games Market Blog has dedicated a number of posts to the theme.  Here are some examples:

Adding Playnormous Serious Games Exhibit To The Woodlands Children's Museum - Adding a Playnormous exhibit to The Woodlands Children's Museum exposed young children to foods they've never seen before and gave parents a great opportunity to start healthy habits early," explained Playnormous Director of Marketing Melanie Lazarus, MPH. "Our ultimate goal is prevention of childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes using media kids love to play.”

The Growing Segment Of Ecological Conscious Serious Games – Includes Fate of the World,  the PC strategy game where players try their hand at juggling sociopolitical events, energy consumption, population growth, food production and natural disasters. As the head of a fictitious world environmental organization, the goal is to improve the global climate-change patterns over the next 200 years.

Anecdotal Evidence: Serious Games As Persuasive Game-Life Integration – includes Playful (Persuasive) Tray, an interactive, persuasive game built into an ordinary food tray to assist parents to improve dietary behaviors of their young children.